2020/2021 Outstanding Peace TECHNOLOGY

2020/2021 Outstanding Peace Technology
Year granted award: 2020/2021
Award Category: Outstanding Peace Technology
Was at the helm of Radio Free Asia (RFA) for 16 years, a non-profit created to provide accurate, timely news to citizens living in closed societies through Asia. Libby’s principles at RFA were enshrined in Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” She is committed to restoring human rights to citizens who have been denied them, Libby led RFA to give voice to the voiceless and enable people the ability to make informed decisions about their lives and own their human dignity. In 2019, after using this approach in innovative internet freedom technology and allowing more than 2 billion people around the world to use the internet more safely despite the declining state of internet freedom globally, the Open Technology Fund (OTF) emerged as its own private non-profit. As the CEO of OTF, Libby is committed to expanding the work and impact of OTF by continuing to build coalitions, public-private partnerships and capacity in the communities most at risk. If citizens of humanity can participate openly as part of the global online community freely and without fear, we can be a world that respects all regardless of where they reside. A world built on human dignity would be one aligned with the vision of internet freedom. Libby is now CEO of Whistleblower Aid, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping whistleblowers safely protect the public because no one should risk their careers or their lives to follow their conscience.
2024 Register to the event
The 2024 Luxembourg Peace Prize ceremony will take place at the Museum D'Art Moderne (MUDAM) and shared online.