2017 Outstanding Peace JOURNALISM

2017 Outstanding Peace Journalism
Year of Birth: 1965
Place of Birth: London, UK
Nationality: British
Year granted award: 2017
Award Category: Outstanding Peace Journalism
Work Title: Associate Professor and Chair
Work Description
Associate Professor Jake Lynch chairs the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney. He served for ten years on the board of the Sydney Peace Foundation, and for two years as Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association. Before taking up an academic post, he spent 20 years in professional journalism, including as a Political Correspondent for Sky News, Sydney Correspondent for the Independent newspaper, and newsreader for BBC World, for whom he presented over a thousand half-hour bulletins.
Together with Annabel McGoldrick, he has pioneered and developed Peace Journalism, in the fields of journalism practice, university education, professional training, and research scholarship. They worked together to produce the biggest ever research study in Peace Journalism, entitle, A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict, showing its audience effects, in four countries and involving over 500 participants.
2024 Register to the event
The 2024 Luxembourg Peace Prize ceremony will take place at the Museum D'Art Moderne (MUDAM) and shared online.