2023 Outstanding Peace Activist

Year granted award: 2023

Work Description

Gershon Baskin is an Israeli peace activist and researcher of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He is the Director for the Middle East at the International Communities Organisation (ICO) as well as the Director of the Holy Land Bond, a new investment fund set up by ICO and Baskin aimed at building shared societies by investing in housing projects for Palestinians in East Jerusalem, joint housing projects between Jewish and Palestinian Israelis, and cross-community technology businesses. Prior to his current position, Baskin was the esteemed founder and former co-chairman of IPCRI (Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information), an organization dedicated to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a “two states for two peoples” framework. According to Baskin, “When there are no partners for peace, it is important to begin planting the seeds of hope.”

We are thrilled to announce that this year, the Luxembourg Peace Prize will honor two peace activists—one Israeli and one Palestinian—in a powerful symbolic celebration of unity and hope. It is a momentous occasion to witness these two outstanding individuals, Gershon Baskin and Ali Abu Awwad, who have dedicated their lives to promoting peace, receiving their awards side by side during the ceremony.

Outstanding Environmental Peace