LUXEMBOURG – On Wednesday, 14 June 2023, peace activists from around the world will gather for the 11th Annual Luxembourg Peace Prize ceremony. The 2023 Luxembourg Peace Prize ceremony will take place at the Historical Hemicycle of The European Convention Center . The distinguished peacemakers represent a diverse mix of activists, educators, leaders, and artists from all corners of the globe in some 13 categories.
Luxembourg Peace Prize Laureates of 2023

Ali Abu Awwad
Ali Abu Awwad has worked in peace-building in Israel – Palestine for years. He has also created a unique Palestinian non-violence movement called Taghyeer, which envisions a democratic, independent Palestinian society based on freedom, dignity, and security for all.
“Non-violence is the art of practicing your humanity, it is the art of being a human being. Peace is a place where we can live by accepting our differences and respecting each other’s rights.”

Gershon Baskin
Respected and known for his continuing efforts for peace in Israel-Palestine. Baskin was the founder and former co-chair of IPCRI, dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict on the basis of a “two states for two peoples” solution. Gershon Baskin is the International Communities Organisation Director for the Middle East, as well as the Director of the Holy Land Bond.
“When there are no partners for peace, it is important to begin to plant the seeds of hope.”

Mariia Levchenko
Dr. Mariia Levchenko is engaged in Ukraine and globally. She is part of the first and largest peacebuilding initiative in Ukraine since the war began – Peace Support Ukraine. In her work, she educates youth, refugees, and women on several themes such as “Dialogue and Peacebuilding”.
Mariia is a McCain Global Fellow 2022 and Peacebuilding Officer at PATRIR. She provides consultations for USIP and Berghof Foundation on the topic of National Dialogue, and its perspectives in the post-war context.
“When we open our hearts and minds to truly hear one another, peace becomes a tangible reality”.

Daniel Quintero Calle
Daniel Quintero is a Colombian involved in local politics with a single purpose: transformation and equal opportunities. He is a believer that education is the main agent of change in a society.
During his term as Mayor of Medellín, he has created the first Secretariat for Non-Violence in Colombia to guide the construction of territorial peace in the Municipality of Medellin, with the promotion of restorative justice that allows the transformation of conflicts and the protection of life as a fundamental value.
” Peace cannot be the victory of some against others, peace must be the victory of a country that decides to leave the past behind to build a better future.”

Carolyn Arguillas
Carolyn O. Arguillas of Mindanao, Philippines has emerged as a visionary leader in the field of Peace Journalism. She served as Editor-in-Chief of MindaNews until June 1 this year and now heads its Publications, Archives and Library. She also serves as its Special Reports Editor.
Throughout all this time, Carolyn herself has maintained the highest standards of original reporting and analysis in her own journalism.
“Peace is a process and not a mere event. In reporting peace and conflict, knowing history and upholding human rights and justice are a must.”

SIPRI – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Peace operations and conflict management have been core elements of SIPRI’s work since the end of the cold war. Currently, SIPRI’s work within peace consists of three main pillars: (a) peace operations data and trends; (b) the future of peace operations in the New Geopolitics of Peace Operations Initiative; and (c) gender and peace operations and conflict management. In addition, SIPRI has taken on many evaluation and ‘lessons learned’ studies, as well as consultancies regarding topical peace operations issues.
“An essential part of building peace is greater care for the natural environment“

The Well Being Planet
The Well being Planet is a non-profit foundation founded by Richard J. Davidson, Scientific Advisor, and Koncha Pinos, Director, whose mission is to contribute to the global well-being of the planet using emotional and social neuroscience. To achieve this, they focus on cultivating the well-being of all people, protecting mental health, creating opportunities for mass education, planting trees, or participating in large climate change meetings.
“There is no future success or well-being if there is no inner peace”