2019 Laureates
Awarded the Luxembourg Peace Prize for outstanding contribution to world peace

Masami Saionji
2019 Outstanding Peace Activist
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Hiroo Saionji
2019 Outstanding Peace Activist
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Rotary International
2019 Outstanding Peace Education
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Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
2019 Outstanding Peace Support
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2019 Outstanding Peace Organization
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Peace Training EU
2019 Outstanding Peace Technology
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Jamil Simon
2019 Outstanding Peace Journalism
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Jane Goodall, DBE
2019 Outstanding Environmental Peace
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Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
2019 Outstanding Inner Peace
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Mohammed Aly Aly ABDELKHALEK
2019 Outstanding Art for Peace
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Eritrea and Ethiopia
2019 Outstanding Peace Process
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2019 LPP Program
Friday, June 14th, 2019
08:30 Check-in
Check-in of Participants, Laureates and Guests – Participants enter with the ID used to register
09:30 World Peace Flags Mandala
Patrick Petit, Goi Peace Foundation
Dagmar Berkenberg, May Peace Prevail On Earth International, e.V. Germany
10:00 The Global Peace Index 2019
Steve Killelea, Executive Chairman and Founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), Australia
10:30 "What creates resilient societies"
Jonathan Ponchon, Liaison office of the European Parliament in Luxembourg;
Nicolas Schmit, Elected MEP (S&D);
Andra Tanase, Program Director PATRIR;
Steve Killelea, Executive Chairman and Founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP);
Dr. Peter Iblher, Rotary International Director
Gary Barker, PhD, President and CEO, Promundo-US
11:25 A new Narration for a Civilization of Syntony, of Symphony
Issue: Fostering coherence and responsibility, wondering, envisioning, enlightened comprehending: from which Trust & Peace emerge as consequences. Nurturing an inspiring, sensible co-creating, co-evolving, co-habiting the Earth.
Anna Bacchia – Founder of the ‘Center for ÌNIN INtuitive INtelligence & Holographic Evolving’, Lugano Switzerland. Creative Member of the ‘Club of Budapest’ and Research Fellow of the ‘Laszlo Institute for New Paradigm Research’.
11:30 Explanation of Writing Project & Sculpture
Vanessa Buffone, Brazil, introduces the Writing Project in the Foyer
Duvan, Columbia, Creator Artist, explains the concept of his sculpture “La Silla de la Paz” in the Foyer
Light Sustenance
Jamil Simon, USA, of Spectrum Media
Jamil created a multi-media symposium called War Stories Peace Stories: Peace Conflict and the Media, designed to bring journalists and peacebuilders together.
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) – Accepted on behalf of GPPAC by Darynell Rodriguez
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict consists of hundreds of civil society organisations around the world. GPPAC seeks a world where violence and armed conflicts are prevented and resolved by peaceful means based on justice, gender equity, sustainable development, and human security for all.
Mohamed Aly Aly Abdelkhalek Egypt, and Mr Felix Bentz, Spain
Mohamed is a film and television actor in Egypt. He has produced and starred in the film THE OTHER LAND, based on the epic of current immigration, highlighted by his values of humanity.
PROMUNDO – Accepted on behalf of PROMUNDO by Tatiana Moura and Gary Barker
PROMUNDO works to promote gender equality and create a world free from violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women and girls. Founded in 1997 they have reached approximately 10 million individuals including 4,500 health professionals, 22,000 teachers, 1,700 police, military, and government officials.
ROTARY International – Accepted on behalf of ROTARY International by Peter Iblher
Through their service projects, peace fellowships and scholarships, Rotary takes action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, ethnic tension, lack of access to education and unequal distribution of resources.
Masami Saionji and Hiroo Saionji, Japan
Masami Saionji succeeds the work of her adoptive father, Masahisa Goi, who initiated a movement for the world peace through the universal prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth. As a spiritual leader and lecturer, she has touched thousands of people’s lives through her guidance and inspiration. She is the chairperson and vision holder of the GOI Group.
Hiroo Saionji was responsible for establishing the GOI Peace Foundation and May Peace Prevail on Earth International and oversees their direction and international activities. He travels the world promoting dialogues and initiatives for peace.
13:30 Second Networking Break
Light Sustenance
14:00 Music for Peace
Juan Wen playing the Guzheng, traditional Chinese string instrument. Three songs from childhood are played, one Japanese, one South Korean, and the final one Chinese.
Peace Training EU – Accepted on behalf of PEACE TRAINING EU by – Ruxandra Tanase
Peace Training’s mission is to aggregate a comprehensive collection and analysis on the state-of-the-art in conflict prevention and peacebuilding training in Europe. Over the period of two years, the project assessed practices, efforts and training needs of European actors. The goal being to map out and connect stakeholders, to provide recommendations on best practices as well as ICT approaches.
Jane Goodall – Accepted on behalf of Jane Goodall by Doris Schreyvogel Executive Director Jane Goodall Institute, Austria
Dr. Jane Goodall, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977 and UN Messenger of Peace learned from her time studying wild chimpanzees and their habitats that everything is connected. This helped her innovate community-centered conservation, based on the idea that when we put local communities at the heart of conservation, we can improve the lives of people, other animals, and the environment.
Awarded to Eritrea and Ethiopia – Accepted on behalf by H.E Negassi Kassa Tekle, Ambassador of Eritrea to EU and the Benelux and H.E. Grum Abay Teshome, Ambassador of Ethiopia to the EU, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Baltic Countries.
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnam – Accepted on behalf of Master Thich Nhat Hanh by Br.Dao Tue and Br. Phap Huu
Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist. His key teaching is that through mindfulness, we can learn to live happily in the present moment. He has been a pioneer in bringing Buddhism to the West, founding six monasteries and dozens of practice centres in America and Europe as well as over 1,000 local mindfulness practice communities.
15:00 Chess for peace
Mietek Bakalarz on behalf of the Youth Chess for Peace initiative held for 140 children in Luxembourg, May 2019.
15:05 Youth World Peace Forum 2018
Carlos Palma, Living Peace International, on behalf of the Youth World Peace Forum in Manila, Philippines, July 2018
15:10 World Peace Forum Columbia, November 2019
15:20 Translatlantique Dialogue 25 - 28 May 2020 with Luxembourg Peace Prize 28 May 2020
Francois Carbon, Chargé de mission Culture, University of Luxembourg
15:30 Closing Ceremony
Announcement of Outstanding Sport for Peace for 2020.
Theme of 2019/2020 Art Competition – SPORTS and PEACE!, Dagmar Berkenberg.
Announcement of 18 July Mandela Mile initiative, Shevanne Helmer.
Nelson Mandela / World Peace Forum Humanity Award presented by Peter Thurstrup and Rosemarie Gnausch.
19:00 DINNER
House 17 Private Club, 17 Rue du Nord, Luxembourg Ville.
Dress: Cocktail / National Dress